Home NH Unscripted

NH Unscripted

NH Unscripted was created to help showcase and highlight local talent in the
NH arts community.

The idea was to give local residents richer insight into the lives of the
performers, directors, and backstage people whose work they’ve enjoyed over
the years. People love to know what drives their neighbors and friends to
do the things they do. What are their backgrounds, other talents, things they
like or don’t like? It’s what makes reality tv and talk shows so compelling.

Theater, music, and live performances all greatly impact our communities.
Currently, there are over 200 theater groups in NH, both community and
professional. The Capitol Center for the Arts, the Palace Theater, the Seacoast
Rep, Meadowbrook, etc., are testaments to New Hampshire’s appetite for the
arts. We aim to give them a little deeper look into their artists.


Ray has been performing for over 45 years throughout New England.

Mainly a stage performer, he’s branched out over the past several years into commercials and television/movie background work. He’s a 3 time New Hampshire Theatre Alliance award winner for performances in The Graduate (Mr. Robinson), Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Big Daddy) and Of Mice and Men (Candy). A few other notable roles were Truman Capote (TRU), John Adams (1776), Pontius Pilate (JC Superstar), Scrooge (A Christmas Carol) and Captain John Smith (Titanic the Musical). He’s been seen on television in Julia (HBOMax), Castle Rock (Hulu), Cars that Built America (The History Channel). He’s done commercials for Toyota, Hannaford, Wayfair, Goodwill Industries, Manchester/Boston Regional Airport. He’s been a body double for Burt Young and Red Sox announcer Joe Castiglione.

NH Unscripted started as a podcast at Concord TV with over 70 episodes with thousands of
downloads on iTunes, Google Play and Spotify. WKXL has recently brought it into it’s family of programming and is heard at 9a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays. It’s focus is to speak with people in the NH entertainment industry and has included actors,
directors, government officials, filmmakers and musicians. It’s not a “tell me about your next project” vehicle, but, more of a “tell me about yourself and what drives you to do what you do” program. We want to know about the talent behind the show!


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