Cail & Company LIVE with Dave Hady & Bob Nelson

In case you hadn’t noticed, new art work is appearing throughout the city of Manchester. It all started just off Elm Street on Cat Alley, then on the side of the building that houses the Rex Theatre and now in the Millyard area of the Queen City where the pillars of the Bridge Street Bridge have been colorfully painted by the Orbit Group and their Creative Director, Dave Hady.

Dave joined us Thursday to discuss all of the works including his just-completed giant multi-colored tribute to Joseph Nelson, the man who had the foresight and knowledge back in the late 1960’s and early ‘70’s to envision a new direction for the Manchester Millyard leading to where it is today. Also with us for the program was Joseph Nelson’s son, Bob, who told us some of his dad’s accomplishments in re-shaping and revitalizing what is now one of the leading homes of the high tech industry in this country.